Sitemap for Jonathan Hayes, D.D.S. in Sacramento, CA

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Foods To Avoid When You Have Veneers

Foods To Avoid When You Have Veneers

For those who suffer from damaged teeth, veneers can offer a natural-looking, long-lasting option to restore a beautiful and healthy smile. However, patients with these dental restorations should take extra care to protect them. Some dietary changes may be necessary for complete care.Most foods that are unhealthy for natural teeth are also unhealthy for veneers.…

When To Consider A Full Mouth Reconstruction

When To Consider A Full Mouth Reconstruction

A full mouth reconstruction can get you the smile you have always wanted, regardless of how damaged your teeth are. However, this is not the primary purpose of the procedure. There are other purposes and goals for both patients and dental providers. The chief aim of full mouth reconstruction is to restore the function of…